How’s Your Hygiene? Poor Password Hygiene Leaves Your Organization Vulnerable to Cybersecurity Attacks.
Where do you save your passwords? Sticky note? Phone? Computer? Or do you create passwords that you can memorize like your partner’s name and birthday, or the name of your company followed by the date you were hired? If you do any of these things, my friend, you have poor password hygiene.
In a survey with 1,000 employees from different backgrounds, it was reported that 57% of survey participants save their passwords on sticky notes. If that wasn’t bad enough, “two-thirds (67%) admit to having lost [said sticky] notes” (
Here are more alarming numbers: (
Nearly half of respondents (49%) save work-related passwords in a document in the cloud.
Just over half (51%) say that they currently save these passwords in a document saved on their computer.
55% save work-related passwords on their phone.
So, how can you create secure, strong passwords and keep track of them? Secure your business from cybercriminals with the world's most secure password manager - Keeper Security Password Manager.
Protects against ransomware attacks and data breaches
The ability to create and share strong passwords
Each employee is assigned a private vault to store all their credentials
Secure file storage
Customizable permissions based on employee position
Keeper is different from other browser-based password managers because Keeper is an organizational and company tool. Supported across different devices, Keeper allows centralized visibility to the security level of employees, the ability to integrate MFA authentication for easier logins, and the ability to share passwords across coworkers or teams. Keeper is also exclusive to your company with personal licenses for you and your employees.
Are you ready to freshen up your password hygiene? Keeper Security Password Manager is cost effective, month-to-month and can save you $$$ on your cyber-security insurance. Don’t wait for an attack to happen to make the switch. It’s time to ditch the sticky notes and upgrade your security with Keeper.
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